Tuesday 13 March 2018

Problems Ladies Face In The Hostel

 I'm living in a working woman's hostel, A hostel is a shelter for the students who come from far off places. Hostel life is entirely different from life at home. Hostel life is the two sides of the same coin on one side there is more freedom than home for friendship, love, entertainments and can teach sharing, help& forgive etc. Students live there with each other and learn the value of discipline and co-operation. on the other side, there are some problems. Living in the hostel,  am interested to talk some issues affected by hostel life.  Our hostel fees are higher than ever,  but still, the facilities for women are below standard in most working women hostels.

Food-related issues

Most of the hostel consists a food menu that repeated for every week. The food definitely has issues compared to home cooking. Poor quality of food one of the major issues,  this is because in most hostels food is supplied by private contractors who are selected on the basis of the lowest charges rather than food quality.

                                            Issues made by the warden

Hostel life is a very memorable period in one’s life,  but most of the hostel's irresponsible behaviour from the warden, you may have problems of adjustment to the hostel environment such as shouting for unnecessary things,  People who are working in hostel mess aren't prepared food at that right time. Also, poor quality food. 

Electricity and water problems

In most of the hostels allowed the fan in the room at 6.00 pm to 8.30 am and light 6.00am to 10.30pm The life in a hostel is completely different from that of the home on this issue as there is a provision of separate study room or reading room for those who want to study in peace. One of the major problems faced by the hostels is the water shortage.

                                              Charging problems

Most of the hostels provide common charging rooms and it was not safe.

Congested rooms

Most of the hostels take fees in the form of cash and don't maintain proper accounts. Some hostels have congested rooms and accommodate too many people in one room.

There are a few private hostels in the city, yet there is no expert to check their offices. The fringes regularly accompany objections like low quality of sustenance, unhygienic drinking water and sanitation issues.
Dhanya Nair

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